Today we look at the "Heart of Worship” and coming as we are before God.
Partiality & Favouritism
In James 2, James points out how illogical it is to strive so hard to please rich people while neglecting the poor. We are challenged to cultivate and demonstrate humility, care, selflessness, and obedience while treating others with kindness.
Jesus and the Tax Collector
Did you know that God entrusts all believers with a mission? Join us as we find out what it is and what we can do about it.
Adjusting Your Life to God
When we join God in His work, He often asks us to make changes in our lives. How can we submit our desires and plans to God's will and follow Him, even when it's difficult? Today we are challenged to identify areas of our lives where we need to make adjustments, in order to follow God more closely.
Be and Stay Loved
Today’s message explores what it means to let Jesus love us, and how to stay grounded in that love.
Are All Religions Equal?
You have probably heard it said that all religions are basically the same. As long as you do good and follow your religion, God will accept you - but is that true?
A Discussion on Homelessness
‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Do You Spread God's Message?
God never ceases to call people to carry His message of salvation. The big picture is that God has always been and is still calling people to repentance. He appoints people to carry his message - including you and I. The story of Jonah isn't about a man who gets swallowed by a big fish - it's about God's reckless love and compassion.
What To Do When Things Go Wrong
What do you do when something goes wrong in your life? Do you panic? Do you get frustrated? Do you get depressed? Today our message is about how we should respond when tragedy strikes our lives.