Cross-Shaped Lives

What does it mean to be more like Jesus? Ultimately, that is the goal of following him, so what does it look like? In his book “The Politics of Jesus”, John Howard Yoder used the term “cruciformity” to describe a life of following Jesus. Cruciformity means a cross-shaped life; that the things we do, the words we say, the decisions we make are informed by, and conformed to, the cross of Christ. We are to live a cross shaped life.

Doing Right When Wrong is Easier

What do you think is the most important thing about going to church on Sunday? There are many great things from the music, the time of connecting with people you know, the sermon, praying together, all the programs, maybe even the coffee! Church services are meant to be a time for people to gather with each other and worship God. Presenting an opportunity to listen and care for each other. It can be a time to be challenged and encouraged to see what it means to be more like Jesus.