What spiritual practices do you use to help you draw near to God? Have you ever thought about other disciplines you could use that might be your perfect fit?
What does generosity look like for you? What does generosity look like for God? Do we trust God to provide even when things seem impossible? Join us as we talk about what generosity should be and how we can be lead to joyful giving.
We are all gifted to serve in some way, in this message we will explore how we are called to serve and what our giftings may look like.
Local Church Autonomy and Voluntary Association
Today we look at the final Baptist distinctive: local church autonomy and voluntary association. In our Baptist tradition, each church governs itself without a centralized authority, highlighting that this autonomy allows for diverse expressions of faith while still promoting collaboration with like-minded churches. Rob stressed the necessity of Christ as the head of the church, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the authority of Scripture in making collective decisions.
The Priesthood of All Believers
Do you know what a Priest is? All believers, not just designated priests, are called to be bridges between God and people, taking direct access to God through Jesus, the ultimate high priest. This calling comes with responsibilities such as prayer, worship, serving others, and introducing others to Christ. See how your engagement to this calling affects our strength as a church.
Today we're looking at the distinctive of Scripture and the importance of understanding the Bible as the authoritative guide for life and faith, particularly within the Baptist tradition. Scripture is meant to be a daily resource, guiding individuals in all aspects of their lives, not just during church services.
Lordship of Jesus
Today we're looking at what is likely the most important Baptist distinctive - the Lordship of Jesus. What does it look like for our lives? How do we show it and defend it? Join us to find out.
Today we continue in our series about being Baptists and look at the ordinance of Communion. Why do we do it? How do we do it? And what should be our approach to taking communion?
What does it mean to be a Baptist church? Today we discuss what baptism is and what Baptists believe about it.