Seeing Clearly

Seeing Your Calling Clearly

Calling. It's a word used in the church and society alike. Many of us spend a lot of time trying to figure out what our calling is. Are we meant to work in an office? Or go be a missionary overseas? How do we know what our calling is? What is it that makes our calling unique? Together we are going to explore how we can see our calling clearly and how knowing it makes life so much simpler.

Seeing Others Clearly

Do you ever jump to conclusions about people? If you're human you probably have. You see someone dressed a certain way or doing something you don't agree with and you develop thoughts about them. It's a very human thing to do, but too often our vision of other people, especially ones we don't know is distorted. So how can we see others clearly? Not surprisingly Jesus has a lot to teach us about this.

Seeing Yourself Clearly

Self awareness is one of the most powerful tools we can have but unfortunately, it is missing from many of our "toolboxes". This week we explore how self-awareness is a gift from God that enables us to clearly see all aspects of our life, and to see how something someone wrote 2000 years ago can help us see ourselves clearly today.

The new year provides each of us with an opportunity for new possibilities bringing its own set of successes and challenges. Over the next four weeks we are going to be exploring how to see ourselves, God, and others clearly so that we can take our next steps and so that we have a great 2020.