On Easter we look at three reactions to the empty tomb and think about what we bring to Easter - our despair? Or dread? Or doubt? Join us as we celebrate the what Jesus did for each of us.
Jesus' Prayers
Today we explore the three final prayers Jesus prayed before his death. What do they mean for us? What can we learn from them?
Grief to Joy
How can sorrow turn to joy? Join us today as we find how Jesus can turn our sorrow and grief to joy.
Jesus is the Vine, So What Are We?
Jesus says that he is the vine. How do you abide in Him? How do you make it a priority to pursue his presence, to remain close, above all else? Only you can pursue that.
Should Relationships Be Disposable?
The sermon challenges the concept of disposability in relationships, emphasizing the need to embrace freedom and invest effort in existing relationships. Pastor Rob uses personal anecdotes and examples to illustrate how society has shifted towards a disposable mindset. By examining Jesus' interactions with challenging individuals, he advocates for adopting a disposition of love, service, and value towards others, even in difficult times. The sermon concludes with a call to view relationships through the lens of Jesus, acknowledging when to cut off toxic connections while striving to love and serve others as He did.
I Did It My Way
Today we look at the importance of surrendering to God and aligning our lives with Jesus' path, offering a more fulfilling and abundant life. Who do you glorify? Consider the transformative power of choosing to follow Jesus.
If Only...
So often we say "if only". If only we had more money. If only we got that promotion. But what would happen if we changed our perspective and instead asked "what if"? Jesus transformed despair into wonder and hope when he raised Lazarus from the dead. What if we embraced the possibilities presented by Jesus?
Spiritual Blindness
Today we focus on the story of the blind man in John chapter 9, where Jesus demonstrates that circumstances can be used to reveal God's works. Through the blind man's healing and confrontation with the Pharisees, the importance of personal faith and trust in God are highlighted, even when questions remain unanswered.
Small Talk
Where do you look for salvation? Religion? Volunteering? Giving? Education? Join us as we look to Jesus’ teaching in John 3 to find out where we should be looking.