What makes Jesus angry? What makes you angry? Are you getting angry at the same things Jesus got angry at? What would it look like to realign our anger to things that made Jesus angry - not loving God and not loving others.
Saved from Embarrassment
Jesus' first miracle was turning water into wine at a wedding in Cana. Miracles are shown to glorify Jesus and strengthen faith.
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Jesus doesn't ask us to just believe on faith alone - we're invited to "come and see".
Beginning in the Beginning
How can we know what God is like? In today's message we read the beginning of John to find the answers.
Christmas is a cosmic love story. Join us as we look at the story behind the story and what it means for us this Christmas.
What have you lost sight of? The shepherds were among the first to see the newborn saviour and their reaction was to tell everyone. How can you see Jesus again this Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas? What does peace mean to you? Today we explore the story of Joseph and Mary and how Joseph chose to be faithful despite the internal conflict he faced. This Christmas, consider seeking the peace and wholeness that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, offers.
The advent season is all about waiting. Isaiah told us what we'd be waiting for so many years before. Join us today as we find out.
Your Relationship With God
How we can know if our relationship with God is good? No matter where your relationship might be, God is ready to guide us on the path of deepening our relationship with Him. Find some practical ways to get started.