What do you want for Christmas? What does peace mean to you? Today we explore the story of Joseph and Mary and how Joseph chose to be faithful despite the internal conflict he faced. This Christmas, consider seeking the peace and wholeness that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, offers.
The advent season is all about waiting. Isaiah told us what we'd be waiting for so many years before. Join us today as we find out.
Your Relationship With God
How we can know if our relationship with God is good? No matter where your relationship might be, God is ready to guide us on the path of deepening our relationship with Him. Find some practical ways to get started.
The Power of What We Say
What is the power of our words and how do they impact our relationships and the world? James calls on us to treat all others with respect and kindness, recognizing that all people are made in the image of God.
Faith and Works
What does faith look like? Today we explore how James provides a clear response to that question.
Partiality & Favouritism
In James 2, James points out how illogical it is to strive so hard to please rich people while neglecting the poor. We are challenged to cultivate and demonstrate humility, care, selflessness, and obedience while treating others with kindness.
God's Code
God's plan for your life is like a computer programmed code. How will you choose to understand it and apply it?
Perseverance and Resilience
How do you persevere? What do you do when it’s hard to persevere? Join us today as we start our series in the book of James and find out what it means to turn our faith inside out.
Breakfast on the Beach
Today we look at the story of Jesus and Peter and how it applies to our lives.