Stormy situations are a chance for God to reveal His glory. We don't always see God working in our own stormy situations. We often become so focused on the storm that we don't focus on what God is actually doing.
Do You Believe in Miracles?
Do you believe in miracles? Have you seen God show up, even when you least expect it? This week we continue our series on the miracles of Jesus and look at Jesus feeding the 5000.
The Deeper Meaning of Turning Water to Wine
Many of us know the story of Jesus turning water into wine - but what if we told you there's more to it than that? Join us as we delve deeper into all the metaphors and connections within the story of Jesus' first miracle.
I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body
We're all going to die - but our future is with God. As we've been looking at the Apostle's Creed these past few weeks, we now turn to look at what it says about when we die.
I Believe in the Forgiveness of Sin
Forgiving sin - it's not always easy. We need to live in a way that we believe in forgiveness. Your sin is no worse than mine. My sin is no worse than yours. Today we focus on the section of the Apostles Creed that says we believe in "the forgiveness of sin". It's easy to say that we do, but it's much harder in practice.
I Believe in Unity
Jesus' prayer for the church is that we would be one. But how do we do that when we have so many differences? When exploring what Christians believe we can either emphasize our differences, or what we have in common. In this message, Alex leads us to look at how Jesus tells us to resolve this challenge.
I Believe We Are Different
Join us for the next installment in our “What Should We Believe” series, looking at the Apostles' Creed. Join us today as we explore the next phrase, “We are a part of people who represent Jesus, we're meant to show others the goodness of God”.
I Believe in the Holy Spirit
Join us for the next installment in our “What Should We Believe” series, looking at the Apostles' Creed. Join us today as we explore the next phrase, “I Believe in the Holy Spirit”.
He Will Come to Judge the Living and the Dead
Join us for the next installment in our “What Should We Believe” series, looking at the Apostles' Creed. Join us today as we explore the next phrase, “He Will Come to Judge the Living and the Dead”.