Sometimes the people who hurt us are the people we thought were friends. Today we reflect on how we can rely on God when we feel betrayed.
Don't Look Back in Anger
Often when we're hurt by other people, we want them to feel hurt too. Today, we reflect on how to process anger and hand it up to God.
What I've Done
Sometimes when we feel far from God, it's because we've done something wrong and feel unworthy. Today, we reflect on how we can process feelings of guilt and restore our relationship with God.
Remember The Name
When we feel like God has forgotten us, we can find comfort in remembering what God has done for us in the past, and having hope that he'll do it again.
Love the People You Don't Like
Jonah was sent by God to Nineveh to spread the message that their city would be overturned in 40 days. When the people were forgiven, Jonah was upset. Who do you not like? How can you show God's love to them?
A Second Chance
When we run away from God it can seem like things are hopeless. But because Jonah's story is our story, we can find hope when we find ourselves in these places. If we're willing to turn back to God, there is nowhere that is too deep or dark for God to pull us out of.
Adjusting Your Life to God
Alex McMorine is the pastoral intern at Bromley this summer. He shares today from a recent trip to Kenya where he learned about ways that Biblical principles can help us find a balance in caring for the world and creation.
Questioning God
Questions like "how could God do this?" are good to have. These kinds of questions come from a place of strong faith. When we can't line up our situation with the goodness of God - it's good to bring those questions to him. Though evil, sickness, and pain exist for now, God ultimately works all things towards good.
Seek Good
When we seek good, and maintain justice, God will be with us us. Even when the culture around us is spiraling out of control, God will have mercy on the faithful. God gives us the opportunity to turn back to him.