As the year comes to a close with our approaching Christmas, most of us would not think of it being a joyful year. If anything it was a year of struggle and isolation. But Joy is not about our present circumstances, and we can experience joy even when things are not going so well. Join us as we explore the difference-maker in our lives so that we can see the joy in our hardest times.
This Christmas: The One About Peace
What is the strangest fear you have heard of? Is it nomophobia? The fear of not having your cell phone? Or maybe barophobia? The fear of gravity?
Some fears may sound silly to us, like being afraid of a baby that was born to a poor family when you are the king of a nation. But Herod felt it when Jesus was born. Herod in his insecurity felt threatened by a baby.
While we might not be as horrible as Herod, we too can become afraid or feel threatened by things we shouldn't. And because of that, we can develop unhealthy patterns in our life that cause us pain. But there is hope, the hope found in Jesus that brings us peace. Join us and explore how we can step out of an unhealthy cycle and into a cycle of grace.
This Christmas: The One About Hope
How do you feel about waiting? Most of us don't like it.
From waiting in line for Christmas shopping to being stuck in traffic, waiting can try our patience! But imagine waiting 800 years for a promise to be fulfilled, how do you think that would feel?
The first Christmas was an answer to that 800 year waiting, and it changed everything. Join us as we explore why we can have hope even when things seem hopeless, and why waiting is worth it.
Us&Them: Do The Work
Today, as we continue our series on Racism, we explore how we, as followers of Jesus, need to do the work of reconciliation.
Us&Them: Those People
What have you been given that could make a difference? How has God invited you in your life to help those who feel like they don't belong? In this week’s message our guest speaker, Dave McCleary, shares with us God's vision of heaven, and the church, and how we are invited into bringing forward that vision.
Us&Them: Only Us
One of the good things that has come out of a global pandemic, is that for awhile there was very little to distract us from what was going on in our world. Without movies, sports or even eating out, we had nothing stopping us from hearing and paying attention to what is going on in our world. And one of the things many of us heard, was the plight of people of colour in our world.
Over the next three weeks we are going to explore the sin of racism and see how we can build bridges of hope and reconciliation. This week we start by seeing how the issues of racism were and still are prevalent in the church, and how we can take the first step in moving away from the sin of racism.
Disciple: Contribution
In week four of our series on the great commission, we are going to look at possibly the most important aspect of discipleship, contribution.
Disciple: Community
In week three of our series on the great commission, we will explore our need for community. At Bromley, we foster community through small groups.
Disciple: Connection
In week two of our series on the great commission, we will look at the importance of having people in our life who can speak into it with godly wisdom.