What have you been given that could make a difference? How has God invited you in your life to help those who feel like they don't belong? In this week’s message our guest speaker, Dave McCleary, shares with us God's vision of heaven, and the church, and how we are invited into bringing forward that vision.
Us&Them: Only Us
One of the good things that has come out of a global pandemic, is that for awhile there was very little to distract us from what was going on in our world. Without movies, sports or even eating out, we had nothing stopping us from hearing and paying attention to what is going on in our world. And one of the things many of us heard, was the plight of people of colour in our world.
Over the next three weeks we are going to explore the sin of racism and see how we can build bridges of hope and reconciliation. This week we start by seeing how the issues of racism were and still are prevalent in the church, and how we can take the first step in moving away from the sin of racism.
Disciple: Contribution
In week four of our series on the great commission, we are going to look at possibly the most important aspect of discipleship, contribution.
Disciple: Community
In week three of our series on the great commission, we will explore our need for community. At Bromley, we foster community through small groups.
Disciple: Connection
In week two of our series on the great commission, we will look at the importance of having people in our life who can speak into it with godly wisdom.
Disciple: Celebration
What is a disciple? And how does one go about being discipled? In this four week series, we are going to look at the great commission and how we seek to fulfill it at Bromley. In week one we will explore the idea of celebration, or worship, as the beginning of our discipleship journey.
BE: Self Controlled
Paul writes that one of the pieces of evidence of God working in us is self control. But it usually isn't that easy to do. Many of us struggle with self control in some area of our life. maybe it is food, relationships or time management. Self control isn't easy, but it is needed, so we will explore some ideas Jesus gives us to help us be more self controlled in our life.
BE: Together
One of the signs that we are following Jesus is unity. But what does unity mean? Is it about agreeing with each other all the time? What if we don't agree. Does that mean we are working against unity? Jesus has some great insights into what being together means and if we listen to them, it might make being together even better than we could imagine.
BE: Joyful
Sometimes we have this picture of what makes a Christian - someone who is dressed in nice clothes and knows a lot about the Bible. And while those things aren't bad, they aren't what the Bible teaches us is a sign of a Christian. Jesus invites us to be something that could really change our life, so how do we do it?