This morning we kick off our new series called Ready or Not, all about the change occurring around us. None of us can avoid change, but today we explore how change is actually a part of God's design for the world.
Hope When It's Hard: Week 4
This week we are exploring what to do when you feel like you have lost hope and God seems distant.
Hope When It's Hard: Week 3
Where you place your hope will determine whether you’re able to remain hopeful.
Hope When It's Hard: Week 2
What do you do when everything seems overwhelming? Do you fight against the chaos or let it take you away? Sometimes when things around us seem to be crashing in it can feel overwhelming, and we can feel paralyzed as to what to do. Together let's explore who can help us remain steady when everything seems like too much to handle.
Hope When It's Hard: Week 1
It can be difficult to always be a glass half full type of person. With everything happening in our world today - a rampant virus, famines, war and so much more - it can be hard to have hope. Together we will explore that hope is not just something we have, but someone to hold onto when everything seems hopeless.
Easter 2020
Have you ever felt like you made such a big mistake that you would never recover from it? Maybe it was with someone you love, or at work, or maybe with God. Thankfully, our choices, good or bad, don't define us, with God there is always another opportunity.
A Matter of Perspective Part 2
With everything going on in our world today, it is natural to be worried. But what happens if we let our worry our fear guide us? Usually, things just get worse. Join us as we explore how we can shift our perspective and experience peace in times of uncertainty.
What Matters Most?
What is most important to you? Your job? Your family? Money in the bank? At times like these we can be forced to re-evaluate what is most important, and set things straight in our lives. Join us as we explore what matters most and why it matters.
Examples Set
What do you do when you are afraid? How do you behave when you are unsure about how things are going to work out? Right now many of us may be feeling afraid or uncertain, and how we act in a time like this can show it. Almost two thousand years ago, the apostle Paul had some insight into a similar situation he was facing and how best we can behave so that we can experience joy and peace.