Christmas isn’t an abstract holiday or idea; Jesus came to earth (as a human) in order to reconcile us to God. We can rejoice because the God who is with us, came to save us.
Right Reading
From shoes, to shirts, to bumper stickers, we sometimes put bible verses places to encourage us or challenge us. But sometimes, we get the point of those verses a little twisted. Sometimes we use them, or they are used towards us, in a way that they were never meant to be used. Together we are going to explore some of those verses that sometimes get twisted and untwist them to see the hope God always intended for us to have.
Anything You Can Do
From shoes, to shirts, to bumper stickers, we sometimes put bible verses places to encourage us or challenge us. But sometimes, we get the point of those verses a little twisted. Sometimes we use them, or they are used towards us, in a way that they were never meant to be used. Together we are going to explore some of those verses that sometimes get twisted and untwist them to see the hope God always intended for us to have.
Always With You
From shoes, to shirts, to bumper stickers, we sometimes put bible verses places to encourage us or challenge us. But sometimes, we get the point of those verses a little twisted. Sometimes we use them, or they are used towards us, in a way that they were never meant to be used. Together we are going to explore some of those verses that sometimes get twisted and untwist them to see the hope God always intended for us to have.
All Things
From shoes, to shirts, to bumper stickers, we sometimes put bible verses places to encourage us or challenge us. But sometimes, we get the point of those verses a little twisted. Sometimes we use them, or they are used towards us, in a way that they were never meant to be used. Together we are going to explore some of those verses that sometimes get twisted and untwist them to see the hope God always intended for us to have.
Navigating Our Relationships
God invites us to care for all the gifts He gives us, from our finances, to our abilities, to our relationships. God provides us with the gift of being in relationship with other people.
So how do we steward that gift from God? How do we honour and reflect God in how we interact with the various relationships we have? Jesus gives us a great insight into how to have meaningful and life-giving relationships with others.
Navigating Our Gifts and Calling
Being a good steward is an important Christian principle and does not just refer to money. It is a steward’s responsibility to manage or take care of something. It is not theirs, but they are in charge of handling it well.
We believe that God is the owner of everything, and that we are the stewards who have been charged with managing everything he has placed in our care - including our gifts.
Navigating Our Finances
So often, we try hard to avoid talking about our finances, especially at church. How we can trust, honour, and reflect God with our finances? Today we explore this question and how giving back to God, being good stewards of all that we've been given, can lead to us living life in all of its fullness.
Bring Our Best
What makes us, us? Sometimes it's a challenge to figure out who we are. Are we what we do? What we look like? Who we hang around with? As a church, figuring out who we are can be even more difficult.
Not every church is alike. In this series, we're exploring who Bromley is. We strive to Bring Our Best at Bromley. What about you? Are you settling for good enough, when something could be great? Are you treating everything you do as an act of worship?