What Do You Treasure?

What is ‘the good life’? A good job? Wealth? Fame? Love? Family? Jesus said he came to give us life in all its fullness. We’re going to look at the sermon on the mount to see what he meant.

“If only…” How many times have you caught yourself saying that? If only I had a bit more money. If only I had a bigger house. A nicer car. A better job. Trusting God to provide for our needs is tough. But if you’re focused only on what you don’t yet have, you are missing out on all that God has already provided you. Jesus promises us everything that we need, so it’s time to re-frame your thinking. Today we talk about how.

Practicing the Good Life

What is ‘the good life’? A good job? Wealth? Fame? Love? Family? Jesus said he came to give us life in all its fullness. We’re going to look at the sermon on the mount to see what he meant.

Jesus gives us three practices for living a good life. Today we take a loot at what they are and how they apply to our context. The Bible says that the good life doesn’t consist of fame or the approval of others – but consists instead of pleasing God who alone knows our motives. We need to concern ourselves solely with God’s approval, not the approval of others.

What Child is This?

Does anybody really need Christmas? Do we need the decorating, entertaining, gift-giving, spending … the gathering, singing, worshiping? Why do we expend so much energy on these things? Maybe it’s because at the first Christmas everybody needed what Jesus came to bring, no matter who they were: the rich and powerful, the outcasts, the lonely, the forgotten … everybody. And maybe, we all still do!

Christmas is a celebration of a gift that is powerful, life-changing and eternal … a gift everybody needs and anyone can receive!

No matter how hard he tried, Herod could not halt the plans of God. Despite the difficult, nightmarish circumstances that come your way, know that nothing can separate you from God’s love, forgiveness, and redemption.

Other People's Christmas

Does anybody really need Christmas? Do we need the decorating, entertaining, gift-giving, spending … the gathering, singing, worshiping? Why do we expend so much energy on these things? Maybe it’s because at the first Christmas everybody needed what Jesus came to bring, no matter who they were: the rich and powerful, the outcasts, the lonely, the forgotten … everybody. And maybe, we all still do!

Christmas is a celebration of a gift that is powerful, life-changing and eternal … a gift everybody needs and anyone can receive!

Jesus was born in humble circumstances and his birth stands as a reflection of His earthly ministry. Humble, simple, yet life changing. We often judge our life, even our Christmas, by what we get. But being like Christ means it’s not so much what we get, as what we give.

In Moments of Desperation

Does anybody really need Christmas? Do we need the decorating, entertaining, gift-giving, spending … the gathering, singing, worshiping? Why do we expend so much energy on these things? Maybe it’s because at the first Christmas everybody needed what Jesus came to bring, no matter who they were: the rich and powerful, the outcasts, the lonely, the forgotten … everybody. And maybe, we all still do!

Christmas is a celebration of a gift that is powerful, life-changing and eternal … a gift everybody needs and anyone can receive!

Often we assess God’s goodness and power based on our present circumstances. And sometimes our present circumstances don’t demonstrate a good and powerful God. But what if there was a better way? What if we could better understand and trust God even when our circumstances are challenging? In the story of Christmas, Mary teaches us to replace worry with worship, because she trusts based on her past experiences.

Remembering Christmas

Does anybody really need Christmas? Do we need the decorating, entertaining, gift-giving, spending … the gathering, singing, worshiping? Why do we expend so much energy on these things? Maybe it’s because at the first Christmas everybody needed what Jesus came to bring, no matter who they were: the rich and powerful, the outcasts, the lonely, the forgotten … everybody. And maybe, we all still do!

Christmas is a celebration of a gift that is powerful, life-changing and eternal … a gift everybody needs and anyone can receive!

Today, we kick off our Christmas series by stepping back to remember Christmas. Have you ever felt like God is absent? Like he has been ignoring or hiding from you? People throughout history have felt that too and before the first Christmas, it was no different. But God’s faithfulness to you in the past casts a shadow of hope on your future. If we don’t remember God in our past we will forget to see Him in our future. As we remember Him in our past, we will see Him in our future.