Don't Read the Bible

There are millions of people who read their bible all the time in North America. But is the world any better because of it? Maybe just reading the bible is not what we should be doing.

Even in a world where Harry Potter exists, the Bible is still the world's bestselling book. Many of us have one in our home, or at least have seen one in a hotel room at some point. But most of us don't really know what we should do with it. Over the next 5 weeks, we are going to explore what the Bible is, how we got it, and how to use it.

What Does God See When He Sees You?

This past year we have all been wearing a mask to protect people. Many of us have been wearing masks much longer to try and protect ourselves. Instead of letting people know who we really are, we have worn masks to hide behind. And sometimes we have worn masks so long we forget who is really behind them.

In this four-week series, we are going to be looking at the concept of identity and who we really are. We will look behind some of the masks we wear to see who God has made us to be.

Are You Alive or Dead?

This past year we have all been wearing a mask to protect people. Many of us have been wearing masks much longer to try and protect ourselves. Instead of letting people know who we really are, we have worn masks to hide behind. And sometimes we have worn masks so long we forget who is really behind them.

In this four-week series, we are going to be looking at the concept of identity and who we really are. We will look behind some of the masks we wear to see who God has made us to be.

What It Means to be God's Child

This past year we have all been wearing a mask to protect people. Many of us have been wearing masks much longer to try and protect ourselves. Instead of letting people know who we really are, we have worn masks to hide behind. And sometimes we have worn masks so long we forget who is really behind them.

In this four-week series, we are going to be looking at the concept of identity and who we really are. We will look behind some of the masks we wear to see who God has made us to be.

Who Are You Really?

This past year we have all been wearing a mask to protect people. Many of us have been wearing masks much longer to try and protect ourselves. Instead of letting people know who we really are, we have worn masks to hide behind. And sometimes we have worn masks so long we forget who is really behind them.

In this four-week series, we are going to be looking at the concept of identity and who we really are. We will look behind some of the masks we wear to see who God has made us to be.

The End of the World As We Know It

How is the world going to end? What's going to happen? What will become of us? Hollywood has been telling us for a long time how things are going to end, and many of us believe things will happen more in line with Hollywood than the bible.

Join us as we explore some of what the bible says about the end, you might be surprised at what it actually says.

The Bible is a confusing topic sometimes. You could ask three people what the Bible is and you would probably get four answers. It's the best-selling book of all time, but we seem to be divided and confused about it.

What is the Bible all about? Is it a bunch of unrelated statements and moral sayings? Or is there an overarching theme that holds it all together? In this series, we are going to look at what the purpose of the Bible is and the difference it can make.