Navigating Our Gifts and Calling

Being a good steward is an important Christian principle and does not just refer to money. It is a steward’s responsibility to manage or take care of something. It is not theirs, but they are in charge of handling it well.

We believe that God is the owner of everything, and that we are the stewards who have been charged with managing everything he has placed in our care - including our gifts.

Bring Our Best

What makes us, us? Sometimes it's a challenge to figure out who we are. Are we what we do? What we look like? Who we hang around with? As a church, figuring out who we are can be even more difficult.

Not every church is alike. In this series, we're exploring who Bromley is. We strive to Bring Our Best at Bromley. What about you? Are you settling for good enough, when something could be great? Are you treating everything you do as an act of worship?

Welcome Everyone

What makes us, us? Sometimes it's a challenge to figure out who we are. Are we what we do? What we look like? Who we hang around with? As a church, figuring out who we are can be even more difficult.

Not every church is alike. In this series, we're exploring who Bromley is. At Bromley, we seek to Welcome Everyone. What about you? Are you helping to create a place where everyone is welcome? Are you willing to say hello to someone you don't know?

Build Relationships

What makes us, us? Sometimes it's a challenge to figure out who we are. Are we what we do? What we look like? Who we hang around with? As a church, figuring out who we are can be even more difficult.

Not every church is alike. In this series, we're exploring who Bromley is. At our church, we want to see people Build Relationships. What about you? Do you choose to serve, rather than be served? Are you willing to pursue relationship with people who are different than you?

Pursue Community

What makes us, us? Sometimes it's a challenge to figure out who we are. Are we what we do? What we look like? Who we hang around with? As a church, figuring out who we are can be even more difficult.

Not every church is alike. In this series, we're exploring who Bromley is. At Bromley, we Pursue Community. What about you? Are you part of a group of people who challenge and encourage you to live out your faith?

Follow Jesus

What makes us, us? Sometimes it's a challenge to figure out who we are. Are we what we do? What we look like? Who we hang around with? As a church, figuring out who we are can be even more difficult.

Not every church is alike. In this series, we're exploring who Bromley is. First and foremost, we seek to Follow Jesus. What about you? Do you demonstrate that you follow Jesus in your thoughts, actions, and words? Do you Make love a priority?

It's All Greek to Me

We don't all believe the same things. Some of us were raised in the church, others in temples. Some of us follow Islam, others don't believe in anything. And some of us just like to call ourselves spiritual. But if the message of Jesus is true, does it have something to say to us even if we don't call ourselves Christians? And how do we share the way of Jesus with people who don't agree with us?