Statistics tell us that church attendance is on the decline in North America and that churches that were once full are shutting their doors. In this message we look at some common factors that lead to churches closing and we'll explore what we can do to curve the statistics.
Isn't She Beautiful?
Someone once said that a healthy local church was the hope of the world. And the world could use some hope. In this message we will look at what churches that bring hope are doing and how we, as followers of Jesus, can do the same.
How Should a Church be a Church?
With so many different types of churches, how do we know if we are part of the right one? Together we will look at what is essential for a church to be a church, and how so much of what we call church today is just a matter of personal preference.
Why Go to Church?
With so many other things we could be doing on a Sunday morning – like sleeping – why should we show up to church? And since we can listen to messages online whenever we want, why do we even need to go? Together we will explore why we shouldn’t give up meeting as a local church even if being the church is much more that a Sunday service.
What is the Church?
The word “church” comes from the Greek word “ekklesia”, which means assembly or meeting. But what is the church really? Is it just that building we go to on Sundays? Together we will explore what the Bible says the church is, and why that matters today.
Do you ever wonder why things happen the way they do in our lives? Why our best plans don’t always seem to work out the way we want? Join us as André shares about the God who guides our life even when are not aware of it.
I Said This You Heard That
If you’ve ever said the wrong thing—or said the right thing the wrong way—you know how quickly your mouth can make a big mess. But it doesn’t have to be that way. This week we will be tuning into a message from North Point Church that can help us in our communication miscues.
Mother's Day 2019
Your mom is the best right? Well what makes her so great? Join us as we talk with two great moms about the ups and downs of being a mom and about God’s faithfulness in it all.
All You Need
Central to Jesus’ work was a motive of love. A love from God for his creation. When Jesus changes everything, our motives should shift towards love as well. But what does that look like in our day to day? Join us as we explore the difference love makes in our attitudes, actions and assumptions.