Do you ever wonder why things happen the way they do in our lives? Why our best plans don’t always seem to work out the way we want? Join us as André shares about the God who guides our life even when are not aware of it.
I Said This You Heard That
If you’ve ever said the wrong thing—or said the right thing the wrong way—you know how quickly your mouth can make a big mess. But it doesn’t have to be that way. This week we will be tuning into a message from North Point Church that can help us in our communication miscues.
Mother's Day 2019
Your mom is the best right? Well what makes her so great? Join us as we talk with two great moms about the ups and downs of being a mom and about God’s faithfulness in it all.
All You Need
Central to Jesus’ work was a motive of love. A love from God for his creation. When Jesus changes everything, our motives should shift towards love as well. But what does that look like in our day to day? Join us as we explore the difference love makes in our attitudes, actions and assumptions.
Now What?
On Easter Sunday Jesus rose from the dead and changed everything. So now what? How should we respond to this? This week we explore some clear instructions about how our attitudes should shift because Jesus changed everything.
This Changed Everything
The first Easter changed everything. When Jesus died, his early followers thought it was all over. But that wasn’t the end. Jesus rose from the dead and gives us peace, gives us purpose, and gives us a promise that is for everyone. If we choose to believe it, it can change everything.
Everything is Waiting For You
We have a part to play in making things better in this world. This means caring for God's creation, how we think about economics, how we treat each other - everything. And everything is waiting for us to step up and be who God knows we are, and to be who we can be because of Christ.
You Can't Mess This Up
We all make mistakes. Some of us hold onto these mistakes our whole lives. Shame dominates our feelings and we don’t feel worthy. Sometimes we are our toughest judge, not forgiving ourselves. But when Jesus forgives us, the work is done, and he doesn’t hold our past against us.
From Death to Real Life
Jesus said he came to give us life in all its fullness, but before we experience that life we first need to die to our old like. But how do we do that? Why does Jesus ask us to move forward and forget the past?