How to Disagree and Be In Community

Today we kick off a brand new teaching series all about how Jesus would react to some of the contemporary issues that we face in our world today. Though the Bible doesn’t address them specifically, it does provide principles that are just as applicable today as they were to the early Christians.

When we disagree with people, we are often offended. But just because we disagree with people, doesn’t mean we need to disconnect from them. Today we look at how Jesus reacted when people disagreed with him and learn how we can choose to be free in Him, to live our fullest life.

The Perfect Mix

The Church in Canada has changed. Are we too busy remembering the past to remember why we exist and to remember who is the leader? Today we are reminded of the mission of the Church and how it fits with us at Bromley and in the larger Church. The church is a perfect mix of imperfect people. An you have a part in it!


What is ‘the good life’? A good job? Wealth? Fame? Love? Family? Jesus said he came to give us life in all its fullness. We’re going to look at the sermon on the mount to see what he meant.

Let’s be honest: we like to judge people. Well, maybe we don’t like to, but we do it a lot. Jesus told those who follow Him that if we judge others, the same judgement comes back onto us. And let’s face it, as much as we may judge, we don’t want to be judged. So how can we stop? In this sermon we get some practical advice on how to stop judging, why we need to, and how it can lead to us finding the good life.

What Do You Treasure?

What is ‘the good life’? A good job? Wealth? Fame? Love? Family? Jesus said he came to give us life in all its fullness. We’re going to look at the sermon on the mount to see what he meant.

“If only…” How many times have you caught yourself saying that? If only I had a bit more money. If only I had a bigger house. A nicer car. A better job. Trusting God to provide for our needs is tough. But if you’re focused only on what you don’t yet have, you are missing out on all that God has already provided you. Jesus promises us everything that we need, so it’s time to re-frame your thinking. Today we talk about how.

Practicing the Good Life

What is ‘the good life’? A good job? Wealth? Fame? Love? Family? Jesus said he came to give us life in all its fullness. We’re going to look at the sermon on the mount to see what he meant.

Jesus gives us three practices for living a good life. Today we take a loot at what they are and how they apply to our context. The Bible says that the good life doesn’t consist of fame or the approval of others – but consists instead of pleasing God who alone knows our motives. We need to concern ourselves solely with God’s approval, not the approval of others.