Bromley Road Baptist Church

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Dashboard Confessional

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Dashboard Confessional Rob Sellitto

Life is emotional - full of ups and downs, joys and disappointments. But how we respond to those ups and downs is different for all of us. For some, it can wear us down while for others it can feel like an opportunity. Sometimes our emotions can be all mixed up. So how can we make sense of them? How can we experience a full life with our mixed emotions? Over the next four weeks, we are going to explore the promise that Jesus gives us life in all its fullness and the part our emotions can play in that.

Sometimes it can feel like our emotions are calling the shots. When we are happy we can get through the day with energy and enjoy it. But when we are down and sad, we might struggle to make it to lunchtime without a cloud hanging over us. But what are our emotions trying to tell us? Should they be our guide or are they something else?